Sanders Endorsed Clinton to Stop Trump

Let us all wipe the sweat off of our faces and cheer for joy. Why, you ask? We should be cheering because Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton this past week. He repeated the endorsement on July 25 at the Democratic National Convention. This is a big deal. This could change the game.

Some of you guys may be skeptical. I can hear some of you guys right now. “Why would Sanders support Clinton?” “Who would ever trust Clinton?”

I trust Hillary Clinton, so does Bernie Sanders and President Obama. Even the FBI didn’t care to charge after her email scandal.

I supported and voted for Sanders throughout the past year. He gave me hope as a millennial, Clinton gave me a headache.

Once I heard that his chances of becoming the nominee for the Democratic Party were slim to none, I felt completely lost. I was worried for the next four to eight years of my life as soon as I learned via CNN that it was now down to Clinton and Trump. I even questioned whether I was going to vote or not. These questions kept me up at night.

I do admire and respect Clinton’s hard work and dedication to this country. Let’s be honest, do you really trust Donald Trump to be the leader of this country? Have some of you guys heard what he says especially in front of our children. If not, watch this:

“We are joining forces to defeat Donald Trump!” Clinton declared at a joint rally. There’s no harm in the ex-rivals joining forces to defeat Trump. Hillary sees that. Sanders sees that. Obama sees that. It is time for us to see that.

If you feel betrayed by Sanders, don’t be. Sanders told Good Morning America that it is absolutely imperative for the future of this country that Donald Trump not be elected president. I couldn’t agree anymore with him, and if you are a Sanders supporter, why be angry? Why feel betrayed? This is where “the real you” comes out and honestly, some of you “supporters” were never supporters from the beginning if you can’t see what the mission is. I am sure Clinton and Sanders have their differences, but they are coming together to do great things for this country. They are coming together to stop Trump.

Donald Trump would make a terrible president. People see Trump as a leader, I see him as a bully. In the way he presents himself, I would not trust him with the nuclear codes and as an educated black woman witnessing how my people are treated everyday through the system, I would never want the Trump administration to be running the White House. According to the Wall Street Journal, Clinton has a 5-point lead over Trump. Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster, admitted that Trump is a “chaos candidate,” meaning and he is likely to nullify the advantage he has if he became president.

He also proved that he was racist during an interview with CNN anchor, Jake Tapper. This interview shows Trump for how much of a mockery he is making out of the presidential election. Here’s a link to prove that he is racist.

How many times did Trump say he’s going to build a wall? Even if he built it, the judge from Trump University is from Indiana. He isn’t from Mexico. I’m not sure why Trump felt the need to reiterate his idea of building a wall. By the way, “Mexican” is not a race, it is a nationality. Trump said the judge could not do his job because of his race. THAT IS RACIST. If we have a leader that encourages that kind of mindset, this country will be doomed.

We have to do everything we possibly can to ensure that Trump doesn’t become president. We must put aside our differences, like Sanders and Clinton, and come together to stop Trump. We might as well make “stop Trump” a hashtag.