Spider-Man PS4 Proves Why Spider-Man is the Best Comic Character [REVIEW]

When thinking of the greatest super hero video games, the Batman Arkham series comes to mind. This year however, Spider-Man PS4, swung in to make the argument that it may be the best super hero video game ever.

If you ask Spider-Man fans which Spider-Man game is the best, they’ll most likely respond with, Spider-Man 2, the game that ties in with the film. The defining trait that made that specific game so great is the web swinging mechanic, and the unlockable web swinging abilities that came along with the game. Over a decade later, fans have received a few great Spider-Man games, Web of Shadows, and Ultimate Spider-Man. Well, in September of last year game developers, Insomniac Games, gave us the definitive Spider-Man game, and possibly the greatest super hero game ever.

When the game was first teased back at E3 2016, the hype instantly began. Fans were anxious for the game to drop so they could see the world and play in the world of the web slinger. Fans instantly noticed the suit design, that was something different for the character, and the graphics. As the months and years went by, fans were more and more excited as the games graphics were improving and were shown more in game footage. If there was one things fans, and myself, were excited for it was the game mechanics.

As previously mentioned, Spider-Man 2, was the definitive Spider-Man game. The fighting mechanics weren’t too shabby, and the web swinging mechanics were phenomenal. Apart from the swinging however, the game is pretty boring. It is a game that ties into the film, so fans can’t really complain as that’s what is probably expected from a game that is supposed to go hand in hand with the film. Once the main story is over, you can’t do much other than swing around and save the same pedestrians over, and over again.

All eyes, mine included, were set on Spider-Man PS4 and its incredible story, web swinging and fighting mechanics.Right off the bat, the web swinging is phenomenal! It’s the very first thing the player does. As the story progresses players will get a hang of the swinging and will enjoy it. Making it from one end of the map to the other without touching the ground is one of the most satisfying things about this game. That’s not the only phenomenal thing about the game, because the fighting mechanics are amazing themselves, even though you’re limited to certain abilities, as the story continues you can upgrade to new web abilities and fighting styles.

Getting into story specifics, this has to be one of the most entertaining Spider-Man stories across all mediums. That is a bold statement, but yes, I said it. It’s a unique Spider-Man story as we look at Peter Parker a few years into being the web slinger. The film adaptations and other games usually take place right at the origin of him becoming a hero. So, this story is a breath of fresh air that I personally enjoy. I’d go as far as saying that the story itself, could be considered a movie. From start to finish, I was engaged and on the edge of my seat. The game even includes two post-credit scenes that sets up future installments. One of them hints at Venom being the main villain in the next game, and the great thing about this is that it’s a completely different take on the Venom character as it looks like Peter’s best friend, Harry Osborne, will be dawning the villainous symbiote. The second sets up Miles Morales as the new Spider-Man. Miles Morales was introduced into the comics after the Ultimate Spider-Man died. It’s one of the first few times we’ll be seeing Miles Morales dawn the spider suit in a different medium that’s not comic book related, apart from the new animated film, Into the Spider Verse.

The villains in this game are fleshed out well and feel like humans, not super human and hard to relate to. The main bosses, better known as main villains for casual gamers, form the Sinister Six, which is a group of six classic Spider-Man villains. In the game these consist of, the Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Scorpion, the Vulture, and Doctor Octopus. While we have seen these villains in many other Spider-Man games and film adaptations, this feels unique as The Sinister Six is something no other medium, apart from the comics, have done.

The city feels alive in this game as the crimes never end, and there is plenty to do after the main story is done. You have side missions where you can help Harry clear up pollution in the city, help out cops find criminals, and regular civilian saving. The DLC is also an added bonus with one purchase of $25 you can play three new stories involving the Black Cat character. The alternate suits players can acquire as the game progresses is also a nice touch. Most games require players to buy alternate skins or other in game items, but Spider-Man PS4 requires you to play and unlock as you go, no need to purchase. The DLC is nothing special, but it’s always nice to see the game developers showing they care about the product by adding on to the main story every few weeks, and giving the fans different suits from the films, or classic suits from the comics.

Spider-Man means a lot to many people around the world, me included. This is one of Marvel’s most relatable characters. Some teenage “nerd” who isn’t smooth with the girls, isn’t popular, who is gifted with these super powers and has to learn that with, “great power, comes great responsibility.” Spider-Man has been a big part of my life since I was five years old, so I enjoy seeing great film and video game adaptations. Video games like this are rare these days. Ones that pay attention to details in graphics, story and world liveliness. Few come to mind, GTA V, Red Dead Redemption, the previously mentioned Batman Arkham games, and now Spider-Man PS4. The future looks bright for the Spider-Man game franchise and I can’t wait to play it. On a scale of one to 10, this gets a 10 from me (I may, or may not have a huge bias towards this game).