Immersion Is in the Music [OPINION]

After writing numerous columns and reviews about videogames, my claim about being a casual gamer is starting to look a little unrealistic, and I can’t argue with that. But with all the pieces I’ve wrote, I want to address a feature that hasn’t been addressed in not only my writing, but of other video game […]

Shooting for the Stars [OPINION]

The Call of Duty series has been the most successful franchise since the developers launched Call of Duty: Modern Warfare back in 2007. With its loyal fan base, yearly release and simple mechanics, the franchise has created a legacy that shows no sign of slowing down. While its most recent project Call of Duty: WWII […]

A Silent Masterpiece [OPINION]

Shooters are in a tough place. They’re fun and thrilling, but fleeting and forgettable. In a market with thousands of action video games, it’s hard to stand out from the rest. A greater challenge is making the player think beyond the videogame. Having the player question their own motives can be difficult but rewarding if […]

The Power of Nostalgia

When I was a kid, my brother owned the second PlayStation. Every Friday night, I would go into his room, sit in the middle of the floor and play video games for hours. There are a few games that come to mind when I reflect on this memory from Tony Hawk’s Underground to World of […]

The Millennial Take on Politics

There used to be a time when I wasn’t as politically informed as I am now. My brother was the one in my family who was always up to date with current political matters since he began high school. When we would sit down for family dinner, my parents would look to him for an […]

The America For the Chosen

It seems that in the America that we all currently inhabit that there is a different catastrophe each day. From an escalating trade war to political uncertainty, it has been hard to keep track of what is even going on anymore. This week however was a different story. Journalists have been reporting non-stop coverage of […]

Why It’s A Hard Life For Video Game Creators [OPINION]

It’s quite stunning when one sees the journey video games have gone through. Video game creators have gone from coding games that could only fit around a hundred pixels to games that capture photorealistic displays that leave the player in awe. There has been a great evolution of games and the change has been positive […]