“There is a divided line between workers who choose to not take the vaccine versus who favors wanting everyone to take the vaccine.”

Francisco Velez, a 50-year-old man is a current medical coverage and food stamp program case worker for the state of Illinois. He had started to work for the state of Illinois when the COVID-19 pandemic had begun. During the time of uncertainty, Mr. Velez has found his work experience as a case worker had been […]

“We even had a few patients who joked about how hospitals intentionally kill people to make more space for patients with Covid-19.”

Destiny Williams, 26, is a fourth-year student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She was a recent college transfer student from Kansas State University when the COVID-19 pandemic began. She has started as a sport medicine intern and notices a shift in work dynamics between her coworkers and patients. Joel Velez: How would you describe the […]