Women Face Barriers in the Midwest Film Industry

Madeline McGuire is a sophomore at UWM with a passion for her craft: film. But she worries about going forward in the film industry as a woman of color in the Midwest. “I definitely do have a lot of fears,” said McGuire. “I feel that women are overlooked in the industry.” Despite her fears, McGuire […]

Even After They’ve Paid Off Their Own Loans, Alums Support Debt Relief

Maria Belke is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Belke graduated in May of 2022 with a bachelor’s degree in K-12 Theater Education. Belke paid for her education through scholarships, help from her parents, and student loans. Belke was excited to hear the Biden administration’s announcement on the potential student loan forgiveness plan.  “Loans […]

Violence Prevention Conference Coverage

The Milwaukee office of Violence Prevention hosted the third annual “Love Without Violence” conference, a three-day conference with a variety of speakers and organizations hosted on Zoom to speak out against domestic violence and avoidance of it.  Only a week before the conference, Major Harris, a 3-year old boy, and his mother, Mallory Muenzenberger, were […]

Rittenhouse Has an Emotional Breakdown While Taking the Stand

Kyle Rittenhouse began to cry and panic on the stand of his trial on Nov. 10, 2021 in Kenosha, Wis. Rittenhouse was a 17-year old from Antoich, Illinois during the shooting. He is accused of shooting four people at protests in Kenosha on Aug. 25, 2020. The protests arose due to a police shooting of […]

Oakwood Mall Craft Fair Draws Local Businesses

Oakwood Mall in Eau Claire, WI, held a Craft and Gift show on Nov. 20-21, right before the holiday season. The fair was filled with booths featuring a variety of local businesses. Some of the booths featured homemade jewelry, crafts, hand crafted cabinets, gourmet popcorn, and other sweet treats centered in the middle of the […]