Voices of UWM Voters: Midterm 2022

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee students expressed nuanced views on the issues, and they broke down across political lines when asked who they supported for Wisconsin governor in midterm 2022. Some wanted Democratic Gov. Tony Evers (who ended up winning). Others supported his Republican opponent, businessman Tim Michels. A team of UWM journalism students set out to […]

A Generation Far Removed

What happens when September 11, 2001, is no longer a living memory to young people coming of age? That’s happened, as many of today’s college students were babies when the terrorist attacks occurred or not even born. A team of journalism students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, examined this question. Each student was assigned to […]

Island of Enchantment Team

About the Project This project was created through a journalism class at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Journalism, Advertising and Media Studies Department. This work was made possible through the support of MPC Endowment Ltd., the philanthropic affiliate of the Milwaukee Press Club. Student Journalists Sonnet Bayer Jeromey Hodsdon Brady Jager Charles Kelley Faith Rae Madison Rios Jason Smith Glendalys Valdes […]