Marquette Law School Poll Shows Mixed Feelings

Sixty percent of Wisconsin adults favor President Donald Trump’s policy of deporting immigrants who are in the US illegally, according to a Marquette Law School national poll. Republican support for the policy was almost unanimous, with 93 percent favoring the deportation of immigrants in the US illegally, the poll found. Democrats, on the other hand, […]


In this short documentary, Bill Stauber introduces us to Madison-based band .zipbomb. While it is a small band, they are planning to perform at a show on December 29th. The band’s weeknight rehearsals, which run for nearly three hours, help them find the things that work, the ones that don’t, and the places they need […]

Most UWM Student Association Seats are Unfilled, Leaving Big Decisions to a Handful of Reps

In early December, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Student Association, UWM’s student government, held its last meeting of the semester. It was in a meeting room with a maximum capacity of 16. Senators followed parliamentary procedures as they voted on legislation and appointments that impact the university and how students’ money is spent. But only three […]

“We are the only home close to the lake that is actually publicly accessible.”

Rheta Matsumoto is the Membership and Visitor Services Manager at the Villa Terrace Museum. The museum, which offers a hilltop view of Lake Michigan, is nestled in what was historically known as the “Gold Coast” neighborhood in Milwaukee. In addition to participating in Doors Open Milwaukee, Villa Terrace was also celebrating the building’s 100th year […]