Unions, Students Rally on UWM Campus Against Proposed Cuts

A group of about 60 students gathered in Spaights plaza Wednesday at a rally organized by the Progressive Students of Milwaukee to protest the recently proposed cut of $300 million to the UW-System. Speakers addressed the crowd and fired them up for a march around the campus. At the protest, students participated in chants calling […]

Chancellor Defends Workload, Shared Governance, Unaware of Walker Remarks

UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone said late Wednesday afternoon that he had not heard Gov. Scott Walker’s comments earlier that day on faculty workload but stressed that he’s “never met a harder working faculty and staff than at UWM.” Listen to the Mone audio here: Asked about Walker’s comments that faculty should teach more, he added, […]

Stephanie Wallock: Teaching Children Art

Stephanie Wallock is continuing a family tradition of attending UWM. She wants to teach children, especially those in the inner city,  how to use art. Alex Shun reports.

UWM is at Forefront of Online Tutoring

Stressed by finals? Academic support services at UWM provides weekly group tutoring and supplemental instruction. And it turns out the campus is one of the national leaders in offering webinars for tutoring. Jake Hanson reports for Media Milwaukee.

Nicky Glaser: Food for the Hungry

The Center for Community-Based Learning, Leadership and Research is putting on its 11th annual campus-wide food drive. The student organization is partnered with the Hunger Task Force in order to try and expand their donation options and outreach on-campus. On top of focusing on the food drive, the CCBLLR aims to connect the campus community […]

Cody Wichmann Talks Basketball

Media Milwaukee reporter Joe Halley sat down with UWM basketball standout, Cory Wichmann. You can read the full print story here.

Students Weigh In on Future of Panther Arena

UW-Milwaukee students have mixed feelings about the new Panther Arena. UWM bought the former U.S. Cellular Arena in June, but now the Milwaukee Bucks are eyeing the spot for their own new arena.

Involuntary Volunteers Check off Hours at UEC

The mission of the Urban Ecology Center is to foster environmental understanding in the city. The UEC relies on volunteers, many of whom are there because they have to be—to fulfill mandatory volunteer hours.

Wintertime Fresh at Mitchell Park Domes

Winter isn’t the easiest time to find fresh produce in Wisconsin, except at the Milwaukee County Winter Farmer’s Market, an increasingly popular venue for local farmers.