Vaccine Decisions Cause Stress and Concern

At first, Nancy was scared. Her thoughts raced: it’s going to get out of control again. We’re never going to move past this. The 44-year-old daycare director was reminded of the pandemic’s effects by the teary eyes of parents picking up their children after work at the hospital. But Nancy Halaka doesn’t live in fear. […]

Online Learning: How COVID-19 has affected UWM students

When news of an extended spring break hit her inbox last March, Jaya Walters went online to check flight prices. The newly declared pandemic isn’t that serious, she thought. It would be over in a month and she would have the opportunity score some cheap flight tickets and have a new experience. Or so she […]

Experiencing Homelessness in the COVID-19 era

While many have bunkered down, socially distanced and worked from the safety of their homes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, 53-year-old Mary Lou Reikens could not do the same. Without a home since August of 2019 and disabled, she struggled to find safety amid the outbreak. “The coronavirus is just another obstacle thrown in the face […]

Having an Autoimmune Disease During A Pandemic

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic many people with autoimmune diseases are struggling with the changes in their life due to the extra precautions they now need to take in order to stay safe, a 23-year-old woman with diabetes delineates how she’s been handling these changes. Note: for privacy, the individual’s name as well as the university […]

Keeping Campus Afloat

Staring down from the second-floor balcony into the UW-Milwaukee Student Union concourse, the vast majority of visual space is made up of scuffed cement. Here and there a shoe will meet the pavement, maybe entering from an ill-oiled door on the further point of the corridor, crossing in front of the one manned “Welcome Center,” […]

Local Volunteers Spread the Joy in Milwaukee

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed what the holidays look like for everyone, but here’s Jay Stahl’s inside look at some volunteers who are spreading some Christmas cheer to those in need this year.

Local Restaurants Get Ready for Winter

The COVID-19 pandemic is still in full force and as the weather starts to get colder, local restaurants and bars are preparing for the worst regarding continued business. Lexi Schroeder has the story.

Local Restaurant Adapts to the Pandemic

Dorsia on Brady Street is certified to operate without a capacity limit despite the state mandate for businesses to only be allowed to operate at 25% capacity. Adrian Hurd tells us how this local restaurant is adapting to Covid-19 regulations.

Mortuary Science Major Perspective on COVID-19 Pandemic

The state of Wisconsin has broken COVID-19 records since the beginning of the global pandemic that began in February. According to the website of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin currently is ranked the third biggest hotspot in the United States for COVID-19 cases, with Milwaukee County showing 37,706 positive cases currently.  Records of COVID-19 […]

Working in the Covid Era

Working in the service industry can tend to be an underappreciated job but since the pandemic has hit, it has made it a little more frustrating at times.  Working at the grocery store Sendiks has been difficult at times for people. Whether they don’t feel safe working due to Covid-19 or just the extra stress […]

Reflections on a Pandemic

Journalism students practice interviewing and audio editing by talking with friends and loved ones about their lives in 2020.