Why You Should Spend More Time with Your Family

“What are you thankful for?” That’s what my brother asked me this past New Year’s Eve while atop Parliament Hill in London awaiting the fireworks. Twenty-six days later and my mom texted me and asked when I was going to be home and if I had plans that night – I didn’t. She then asked […]

The NFL Coin Toss Rule Needs to Go: COLUMN

A coin toss. After 60 minutes of complete physical and mental exertion, the outcome matched, the game tied. But it’s not the skill of the player or strength of the plays that determine the outcome of a tied game in America’s most lucrative sport. It’s a small, flat, round piece of metal.  NFL overtime rules […]


The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) has recently reworked the campus mascot Pounce, but is the new characterization representative of the student body? For me, I don’t identify with the fictional character meant to represent myself and my peers whatsoever. Although I’ve got a convincing mean-mug, I don’t look anything like a jacked-up, heterosexual, stereotypical frat-boy. […]

Vegan Diet Prevents Heart Disease, America’s Number One Cause Of Death

Recently, vegan diets have experienced in increase in popularity. A vegan diet is associated with many health benefits because they are higher in dietary fiber, magnesium, folic acid and vitamins. With that being said, in America we are experiencing a dietary health epidemic. If you had to guess, what do you believe to be the […]

EDITORIAL: UW System Campus Merger Plan Needs to Slow Down

Declining enrollment rates and growing budget concerns at the University of Wisconsin System’s two-year campuses drove the recent announcement of a proposal to keep the schools afloat by merging them with four-year universities in the region. Ray Cross, president of the UW System, proposed the restructuring changes as an effort to cut costs, increase enrollment […]

Editorial: Colin Kaepernick’s Collusion Grievance Against the NFL Is Right

The conversation about Colin Kaepernick within our country has been an interesting one; it has also been a conversation with a lot of very different perspectives. The newest conversation revolving around Kaepernick deals with his grievance case against the National Football League. Kaepernick believes the league is colluding against him, which is why he is […]

Sensoria Performer Ann Yi Brings “New Music” to UWM

Ann Yi’s Sensoria performance punctuated the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Music Hall with a multi-faceted and sometimes eerie series of piano compositions. Yi is one of six musicians commissioned by Amanda Schoofs, a lecturer of Music Composition and Technology, who is also the artistic director of Sensoria. She co-founded the project with Paul Mitchell in 2014, […]

Milwaukee Body Camera Debate Comes to Campus

If you are stopped and approached by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Police Department, you are probably being recorded. Divergent opinions have lingered around campus about body cameras coming to campus and the impact on safety as the cameras will be among us. UWMPD now has 33 body worn cameras arranged for officers since the end of October 2017. Students, faculty, […]

Huge Chinese Lanterns Return to Boerner Botanical Garden

Boerner Botanical Gardens has once again been ablaze with colorful illuminated artwork the last few weekends as the China Lights lantern festival returns to the “living museum” of the county park system for a second year in a row. Demand for tickets was, like last year, so overwhelming that organizers had to extend the event […]

UWM Women’s Soccer Team Completes Undefeated Season

The UWM women soccer team has never lost this season and is currently 15-0 with three ties. The Panthers are the only remaining undefeated team in the NCAA, and they are ranked 82 in the nation. Teams above them include 74 ranked Maryland at 7-7-3, 63 ranked Utah at 5-8-3 and 51 ranked Marquette at […]

UCC Partners With UWM For Los Sonidos Unidos Benefit Concert

After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on Sept. 16 and a 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook up central Mexico, the United Community Center (UCC) began to receive a massive amount of phone calls from the Milwaukee community asking one simple question: how can we help? “We received so many phone calls from community members asking how […]