As the dramatic Bachelor season came to an end Tuesday night, the drama sure did not. A family feud involving Barb Weber and Madison Prewett happened live on stage during the finale. This TV broadcasted event had Bachelor nation on the edge of their seats.
Prior to the finale, Madison choose to not forgo the fantasy suits with Peter because he was intimate with the other two remaining women, Hannah Ann and Victoria Fuller. Madison based this decision on her moral beliefs. After this happened, a spiral of drama and backlash followed the show. Madison proceeded to leave the show shortly after this and decided it was in her best interest. Following this occurrence, Peter got engaged to Hannah Ann but after the cameras stopped filming, the engagement fell through. Peter ultimately decided to win Madison’s heart back but Barb Weber was not fond of this relationship.
1. Barb’s Over Loving Affection Towards Hannah Ann
From the moment Peter’s family met Hannah, they fell in love with her personality and giving heart. Barb said she recognized herself in Hannah Ann and that was made apparent during the finale episode of The Bachelor. While ABC was broadcasting the engagement breakup of Hannah Ann and Peter, Barb was shown in the corner with a smirk on her face and clapping periodically when Hannah was standing up for herself to Peter. It was telling to the audience and viewers that throughout the finale, Barb was on not on Madison nor Peter’s side but Hannahs.
2. Barb’s Constant Eyerolling While Watching Peter and Madison’s Love Story Unfold
After Peter broke off the engagement with Hannah Ann, Madison Prewett was shown visiting Peter at his home in Los Angelos, CA. During this, Peter’s mom was again shown in the corner of the episode reacting to the situation. Bachelor Nation was appalled by the consistent eye rolling every time Madison spoke during the episode. “I truly cannot believe that his own mom was that upset by the situation, that she had to go and eye-roll every time Madison talked,” said bachelor fan, Ilene Meyer. “I find it kind of upsetting that his mom showed that much disappointment.”
3. Barb’s Negative Comments When Speaking Directly to Madison
Peter’s family showed concern when speaking about the different lifestyles between Peter and Madison because they live two completely different lives. “Everyone that knows him, knows it’s not going to work,” said Barb. Peter’s father weighed in on the conversation in the last few minutes of the finale stating, “When you’re getting into a relationship, that beginning should be the brightest spot and that was anything but that.” Madison holds strong and true to her christian morals and beliefs whereas Peter wasn’t brought up that way. A Bachelor Fan, Olivia Labine, reacted to the finale by saying, ” Peter’s mom need to cool it.” “If she truly loved and cared about her son, she would want him to be happy with Madison because clearly, he choose Madison.”
Many Bachelor fans are awaiting the status of Peter and Madison’s relationship but after the finale, most don’t have hope.