UW-Milwaukee Protests Kamala Harris on Campus: A Timeline 

Protests erupted in front of Lubar Entrepreneurship building this morning after it was announced that Kamala Harris would be attending a business class at UWM as well as a meet and greet while on the campaign trail.  

However, the streets of Kenwood and Maryland are lined with people waiting to see Harris, whilst others shout chants in support of Palestine. 

“We’re here to tell Kamala she is not welcome here on campus; she is responsible for one of the most horrific and live-streamed genocides that we’ve seen,” said Ameen Adta, press spokesperson for the UWM for Palestine Coalition. “She’s refused to separate herself from the Biden administration which has orchestrated and funded this genocide.” 


9:00 a.m. The protest began across from Lubar Entrepreneurship building. 

9:30 a.m. Protestors crossed the street and began chanting in front of yellow tape set up protecting the Lubar Entrepreneurship building. 

You can hear, “Free, Free Palestine,” as well as “Kamala, Kamala you can’t hide, you support genocide.” Erupting from protestors. 

10:00 a.m. Students who were accepted to see Harris, which were few, were allowed in. You could hear protestors yelling, “shame” at them while they were going through security.  Students were invited by text message.

“I do believe they are right for protesting,” said Juno Seen, a student at UWM. “I just hope it doesn’t get violent on any side.” 

10:30 a.m. police began moving students and the media behind the UWM bridge connecting the student union and Kenwood/KIRK hall. Police stated that anyone who resisted or crossed the yellow tape would be arrested.  

When asked why the media wasn’t allowed in, an unnamed officer stated that every person in the media had to have special credentials. 

Only one student from Media Milwaukee was allowed in the building, and this was after we were told that no students would be allowed in who weren’t chosen. Confusion on why so few student journalists were allowed in is prevalent.  

11:00 a.m. More officers showed up to the scene, and there are cops from over five different towns, as well as more secret service. About 20 bike police also showed up. 

11:30 a.m. An unnamed student was sent a message by the UWM4Pali Coalition. It stated, “They turned on music to drown you all out. You are directly outside of the window here.”  

Cops then began to push students further back. No one is allowed past the perimeter of the bridge connecting the Union and Kenwood Hall, doors in the student union are blocked off, snipers are on multiple buildings, and every road surrounding the Lubar Entrepreneurship building is shut down.  

Additionally, around this time, the police refused to answer any questions posed by Media Milwaukee. 

Protestors slowly moved out of the front of the Lubar Entrepreneurship building, but many stayed  For instance, a man wearing a Joe Biden mask that said “Genocide Joe,” yelled, “They told us we could move or we could be arrested.”  

Many protestors stayed in front. No arrests occurred before Harris’s arrival.  

11:45 a.m. Harris arrived in her motorcade, and she was unable to be seen by people past the bridge, but was able to wave to people on Kenwood Ave. She was quickly escorted through a tent into the building. 

Chants continued well into the afternoon, targeting Kamala Harris and Chancellor Mark Mone. The latter has been under his own scrutiny from the SDS due to his reaction after the encampment occurred in front of Mitchell Hall last may. Chancellor Mark Mone is nowhere to be seen outside. 

Throughout the Kenwood building, there are police officers with sniper guns all on the third through fifth floor balconies of the building. There are four snipers on the Lubar Entrepreneurship building alone. 

12:40 p.m. When walking up the stairs of Kenwood, you could see someone being escorted through the back of the Lubar Entrepreneurship building in handcuffs. No other information is known.  

1:25 p.m. All the aides that were parked on Kenwood left. The protestors that were stationed in front of Lubar Entrepreneurship building began marching through the taped area towards Maryland where other protesters were standing.  

The CST, sheriff, Brown Deer and other non-UWM cops began moving out at 1:30 p.m. Traffic was allowed through Kenwood shortly after.  

1:30 p.m. Protestors are still out, but the protests have died down.