California Bans Fur & They’re Right to Do It [OPINION]

California is the first state to ban fur In the United States. This is a great law that will prevent fur of animals to be sold, and torture of many animals. Since California is one of the states for fashion, this is huge for the country. There are many other alternatives for fur, that can still make a fashion statement. Hopefully, this leads to a positive domino effect of having other states ban real fur as well.  

California is right to ban fur. This is a trend that is long lost in the past and deserves to be forgotten about. Killing wild animals for their fur is wrong, and it is not a fashion statement anymore. This is a great start to eventually having the whole country ban fur products. The anti-fur movement has been growing for a while, and California is finally making a statement. Some people have always been anti-fur, and they can finally rejoice that it is no more in California.  

Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill making it illegal to sell, donate, or manufacture new fur products (San Francisco and Los Angeles recently enacted similar city-wide bans). Before we all get too excited, the law will not be passed until January 2023. Sadly, this gives another couple years for fur to be sold in California. It is better than never becoming a law in the first place though. Usually, banning items can take time. Many people must have wanted real fur to be banned to make this happen. This law must have been working to get passed for a long time, and it is finally being set in stone. 

Fashion designers do not seem to be affected by the new law and will probably not miss real fur in their brand. It gives the brand a heartless look to it and does not make it anymore high end for having real fur products. Back in the day, it seemed to be the richest of people wore real fur. This is also a stereotype that can be left in the past.  

Apparently, fur potentially is not going to be the end of being banned in the United Sates. Feathers, leather, and more may be at risk for being banned. People want to remove animal use in products all together. With this being said, it may be hard to ban all of animal use in products. Fur is a great start to ending animals being abused and killed for the fashion industry. Real fur has been a 1.5 billion dollar industry for retail for the United States, which is shocking. This industry has been around for decades, it makes sense why the number is so high. Real fur has been a huge business, but it is finally coming to an end.  

Fur has been around since the beginning of time; it may be hard for some people to let go of. Many people will have to retire their fur products in California, which may be upsetting. Especially having these products typically being very expensive, it is the moral thing to do to give it up. Having animals giving their life up for human products is even more upsetting. People need to step into the new era of having fake fur, or no fur at all.  

Faux fur is something that has never been illegal. Having fake fur being sold in replace of real fur, is an overall better idea. No animals need to be harmed in creating fake fur, and the fashion statement can still be made. Faux fur can also be made to look real, and this can replace the real fur industry all together. This is a wonderful and harmless solution to still get the fur look many love. So, see ya later fur!  

California is finally making a positive statement to ban fur. Animals are another step safer from humans. These animals deserve to live their lives without the reality of making their fur into a coat. Fur is no more in California, and hopefully the United States can make a law as well about banning fur all together.