Seven Reasons Why Dads With Daughters Are the Best

On Father’s Day this year, I found myself reminiscing on all the amazing things my dad has done for me, my two sisters and my mom. Four to one is the ratio here; three daughters and wife are what my dad has been surrounded by for 21 years. Now this alone should give you a good idea of what this man has had to deal with; the catty girl fights, the rebellious teenage phase, and not nearly enough testosterone around to keep him from retreating into his man cave. To say the least, my dad has put up with A LOT, and it took me leaving for college to realize just how much he does. Here are 7 reasons why dads with daughters are truly the best.

  1. They can fix and build anything.

Photo: Amanda Mills

Dad fixing his daughter’s bike helmet.

Being a dad is actually a separate profession, one where you suddenly become Mr. Handyman. Need to finish building the deck outside, dads on it. Need a new desk, or how about an above ground garden? Dads on it. Because who needs to buy those things when dad can just build it out of thin air? And don’t even get me started about the car, leading into the next point.

  • They remind you to get that oil change.


Dad working on a car with his daughter.

Cars are just so complicated. Everything breaks down, something always has to stop working, and oil changes, how does one remember when to get those? Leaving for college meant no more personal mechanic and its been rough.

  • They’ll scare all the bad boyfriends away.

Photo: Marko Milivojevic

Daughter being given away at her wedding.

Now this right here is one I didn’t realize until I got older. Of course they’re going to despise every boy you bring home, but sometimes its best to listen to them about who to trust. The amount of times I’ve used my dad as a threat towards mean ex boyfriends is pretty impressive. I once had an ex show up to my house demanding to talk to me and all it took was six words, “I’m going to get my dad,” suddenly all toughness fly’s out the door.

  • They kill all the bugs.


Father and daughter walking through a forest.

Spiders, ants, bats all of it. They know instantly when they hear a screech and a nervous “daaaaad, kill it!”

  • They have the best oversized clothes.

Photo: Ed Zbarzhyvetsky

Father and daughter posing together.

Who needs a boyfriend’s sweatshirt? I’ll just use my dad’s. This one he isn’t too fond of, especially when I take them back to college with me, but they’ll always let you take it. Unlike the sister who will rip one borrowed shirt right off your body.

  • They set the first example of how you should be treated in a relationship.

Photo: Mohamed Hassan

Father and daughter hugging.

Any dad with a daughter knows that it is important to set a good example. If a young girl sees her mom being consistently loved and cared for, those expectations are set in her mind. Dads have all the power in the world to show a young girl how they truly should be treated by another person one day.

  • They show unconditional love and support no matter what.

Photo: Mandcrobertson

Father doing ballet with his daughter.

Unconditional is an understatement. The amount of ballet recitals my dad has been to is through the roof, but he loves to be there just as much as a dad going to their son’s football game.

Dads in general deserve all the appreciation in the world, but dads with daughters truly have superpowers. They’re your protector, mechanic, exterminator, comedian, builder and biggest supporter. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing dads who continue to provide, protect and guide their daughters through life, you guys rock!