Masked Intruder’s III is the One of 2019’s Best Albums

Title: III

Artist: Masked Intruder

Company: Pure Noise Records

Date of Release: March 1, 2019

Genre: Pop punk/Punk rock

Price: CD $11 | Vinyl $18

Rating: 5 Ski Masks / 5 Ski Masks

If there’s any band that truly understands the importance of stage presence, it is without a doubt Masked Intruder. If you’re unfamiliar with the band, there are a few things about Masked Intruder you should understand. The band is made up of four members: Intruder Blue, Intruder Green, Intruder Yellow, and Intruder Red. Each member wears a ski mask, shoes and plays an instrument that correlates with their color.

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Masked Intruder

That’s right, the band from Madison, WI is never seen without their ski masks on. They’re also never seen without their “cop,” Officer Bradford, who attends every show to keep them in check (until he warms up to the music and starts getting involved himself). So why do they wear ski masks? Why do they have a cop following them around? Well, Masked Intruder are criminals. They write songs about committing crimes, they talk about committing crimes during their shows, and they love to get their crowds as rowdy and involved as possible. The band jokes that the whole criminal theme is the truth, making the ski masks a necessity. That’s part of the fun, not knowing who they are and thinking of them as actual criminals.

Officer Bradford

If you’re a fan of songs about crime, creepy love songs, serving jail time and dealing with the police, III is the album for you. It’s fun, it’s catchy and it’s amusing when you listen to the lyrics. Even if you don’t have problems with the law or being accused of being a “creep”, this pop punk album is way too enjoyable for that to make a difference.

III goes hand in hand with Masked Intruder’s previous albums, “M.I.” and “Masked Intruder.” Following the themes of criminal behavior, III makes it clear that Masked Intruder is still having plenty of issues with the law and being a hopeless (creepy) romantic.

III opens with sounds of police sirens leading into “No Case,” an appropriately themed Masked Intruder tune. The song is all about being accused of a crime, but denying all accusations being made against them. Other than Masked Intruder consistently bragging about the crimes they commit, the police have “no case” on them, and this song is a perfect introduction to the rest of III.

Up next is “Mine All Mine,” a catchy tune about wanting someone to be all yours, despite the fact that they might not actually like you at all. A classic Masked Intruder hopeless love song, that leads perfectly to the next song on III, titled “All of My Love.” “All of My Love,” a song about only having all of one’s love to offer another person, is about not being good enough for someone who deserves the world and more. Criminals or not, we can all feel the sting behind this one.

“Just so You Know,” an insanely cute song about… committing crimes with the person you love. Who doesn’t want a partner in crime who’s willing to take the fall for them just to further prove their love? Call me crazy but, this song is charming, and I officially am ready to be the Bonnie to someone’s Clyde.

Although Masked Intruder can hide behind the criminal theme and claim the song “I’m Free (At Last)” is about getting out of prison, I think this is a really sweet song about coming out on the other side of a hard situation. Masked Intruder is finally out of jail, but we can all relate to that feeling of leaving behind a place that wasn’t good for us (bonus points for you though, if that place was prison).

“Please Come Back To Me,” another wonderfully hopeless love song. As you may have already figured out, the members of Masked Intruder don’t have the best luck in relationships, and this song is really all about wanting that one person back.

As Masked Intruder asks in this next song, “don’t you ever wish that you had more stuff?” Well, Masked Intruder has the perfect solution for you. “B & E,” as you may have guessed, is Masked Intruder telling you that breaking and entering is the perfect way to go about getting “more stuff.” Go on, you deserve those things that don’t belong to you.

“Maybe Even” is similar to “Just so You Know.” Another really cute song about going on a crime spree with the person you love and never stop running. Along with your criminal significant other, you two could have it all, at least when they get out of jail.

Have you ever seen someone in a relationship and wonder why they’re even with that person? When you KNOW you could treat them better? Well, “Not Fair” is all about that, and how it’s not fair someone else gets to be with the person you like. I mean, minus the creepy undertones of watching the person you like through a tree outside their window, it’s kind of sweet.

Almost anything can be made better with the person you love, and “Stay With Me Tonight” explains this fact pretty well. We’ve all been there, wanting a person to stay with you so badly that you feel like your world might end if they don’t. Even though they’re criminals, these guys are pretty romantic if you ask me.

Ah, another unrequited, creepy love song. Who would have guessed? I enjoy this one a lot, with the harmonies and guitar solo, as well as the content of the lyrics. “Dream a Little Dream” is about dreaming about that creep who’s obsessed with you, but instead of being a creep, you find out that’s the person for you. Again, very creepy, but endearing in a messed-up sort of way.

“I’ll Be Back Again Someday” is the perfect closing track to an album. It genuinely made me sad to finish listening through this album, as I enjoy every song so much. Although the song is “technically” about getting arrested, I like to listen to it as the band saying goodbye on their final track, but they’ll come back with more songs someday for us to enjoy.

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Intruder Blue and Officer Bradford

Throughout the album, Blue’s voice is soft and soothing, really eliciting sympathy for his tragic love life. The harmonies and catchy guitar riffs are present throughout, making the album a memorable one. The instruments are good, the sound of sirens add that extra Masked Intruder touch. Masked Intruder really offers a completely different aspect to the pop punk/punk rock scene. The aspect they add is fun and extremely appreciated, and their music never fails to get a little chuckle out of listeners.

There are plenty of amazing musicians out there who sing about issues of heartbreak and sadness, but for Masked Intruder, the criminal gimmick works well. Their goofy songs dealing with the issues of crime and relationships are fun and relatable, even if you haven’t directly dealt with being a criminal (but who hasn’t been hopelessly in love with someone who didn’t want them back? Maybe not the point of receiving a restraining order but…). Music can be so much fun when the musicians and the fans don’t take themselves too seriously. If you have a chance to, I’d strongly recommend listening to III, and if you see Masked Intruder is going to be in your city, you will not regret seeing them. You might even be invited on stage to dance with Green or sing a song with Blue. Oh, and you WILL see Officer Bradford strip. Need I say more?

5 Ski Masks / 5 Ski Masks