“This semester it is more of a normal college experience and has been better in that way.”

Lauren Willing
Photo: Lauren Willing

Lauren Willing is a second-year communication sciences and disorders student at UW-Milwaukee. She transferred from UW – Eau Claire in the fall of 2021. Lauren has had to learn how to adapt to new learning settings and a new environment all at the same time.

Ireland Hinze: Do you live close to campus?

Lauren Willing: I used to and then some things fell through, so I moved back home, so now I commute.

Q: How many days are you on campus each week?
Three or four days a week.

Q: Do you stay on campus if you don’t have class, or do you just come for class and leave?
I tend to stay sometimes if I have enough homework, and then because I did club volleyball, I would stay in between just to be on campus all day. I would do homework until I had to go to volleyball. Mondays I wouldn’t because I get done with class at 3pm, but then Thursdays I have a lab that goes until 7pm. I would just stay for practice at 9pm.

Q: How would you describe the environment of UWM?
 I’m trying to think of good word. It can be inclusive and exclusive, but it is very diverse. It is clean for the most part.

Q: Do you feel like it is welcoming?
I would say there are certain parts of it that can be welcoming. There are certain buildings and classrooms that you go into that feel more welcoming than others.

Q: How do you feel the pandemic has affected your college life experience?
Well, considering I started college in the pandemic, it was pretty much all online and I was in a little dorm, but that is why I transferred to UW – Milwaukee. This year last semester it still sucked because we were emerging from covid, but this semester it is more of a normal college experience and has been better in that way.

Q: Has there been anything you feel you have missed?
I think sporting events and going to watch games, also in person classes because I don’t learn well virtually. I missed playing volleyball because during covid we could play or have games and I was actually able to go play some games. I would say I like seeing people in the buildings more. I have seen more people this semester before buildings seemed dead.

Q: Would you say there has been improvements as far as how social people are?
Yeah, I think with people not having to wear masks and being able to do what they normally do, both indoors and outdoors. Even going to restaurants and driving down Oakland Avenue it seems busier.

Q: Is there anything you would like to see improvement wise on campus?
I want more seating options outdoors. I think it would be more enjoyable for kids to be able to sit outside once the weather gets nicer. I feel like we need more emergency poles to feel safer walking on campus.

Q: How do you feel about events that UWM hosts?
Honestly, I don’t really pay attention to them. I get the emails and just delete them. I look at them and some seem interesting but either I don’t have the time to go, or they aren’t appealing to me.

Q: Is there anything about being in Milwaukee in general that you like or dislike?
I don’t like that they decided to do construction in the middle of the school year. I feel like it is safe, but I think the emergency poles would add security for students if they were out. I feel like the student union should be open later than 6pm. With volleyball practice being later I usually have to sit in Enderis or the Writing Center. If it is later than 6pm I can get free parking by the K and sometimes go there.

Q: How do you feel teachers have adapted to the pandemic and teaching different styles?
I think last year since we were mainly online, they did a decent job. Some of my older professors struggled which made it hard and frustrating to figure out. This year they have figured it out after giving it a year. Most of my classes are hybrid, so I can go online or in person, and they have done a decent job with that.