Carbon Monoxide Leak at University of Wisconsin-Miwaukee Handled Deplorably by Administration [EDITORIAL]

On Feb. 28, a carbon monoxide leak at a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee dormitory caused around 400 students to be evacuated, 17 of whom were hospitalized. The building, known as Cambridge Commons, lacked carbon monoxide detectors anywhere on its premises. The university’s higher-ups were unaware of the exposure until contacted by a concerned parent who requested […]

3 Terrible Developments Hidden by Our Government Behind Roe v. Wade

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a horrific moment in history. Our so-called leaders knew that this would lead to outrage, and they used that fact to overshadow the other atrocities that they are committing. Reproductive rights are not the only thing at stake right now. While we all struggle with anger, guilt, and […]

Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade, Causing Danger for U.S. Citizens

In a horrifying recent decision from the Supreme Court, the original ruling of landmark case Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Specifically, this means that the right to an abortion in the United States is no longer protected by federal law. Now it is up to states to decide their own policies about access to […]

Alex Garland’s Men Aids in the Progression of Hollywood’s Feminism

Alex Garland’s latest film Men (2022) has quickly engendered polar opposite reactions from much of its audience. The controversy is not just about the film’s utilization of graphic body horror, but also, largely, its thematic content. Some audience members have appreciated the explicit feminism of the film, which directly acknowledges the unequal treatment of women […]