Life With Chickens

Every morning and every night, Tom Young never breaks a date with his favorite feathered girls. Morissa Young reports. 

Trains and Tropics at the Mitchell Park Domes

April 6 was the last Saturday of the Mitchell Park Domes’ train exhibit, and people of all kinds gathered there to enjoy a tropical escape from Wisconsin spring and watch the trains go by. Morissa Young reports.

The Patrons of the 8th Note

A dimly-lit room populated by configurations of couches and coffee tables, 8th Note, a nonprofit, student-org-led coffeehouse located at the center of the Union’s ground floor, elicits a beatnik-type of atmosphere to the casual passerby. Torn-out sketchbook drawings, prints of prehistoric creatures, and magic cards are tacked to a black wall; “99 Red Balloons” plays […]

South of Lake Superior, a Culture Center: Woodland Pattern

Nestled snugly in Milwaukee’s Riverwest neighborhood is a bookstore almost nondescript among Locust Street’s cluster of beige buildings, bars and holistic healing stores. The short, staggered false front almost reaches the halfway point of the two-story building next to it, and the south facade of the bookstore is awash with earthy bronze and bright blue […]

Life in Milwaukee Inspires Work of Local Poets

At the back of local bookstore Woodland Pattern is a room strewn with colorful, elaborately textured paintings on broad canvas panels. The striking display is Woman: Frailty Thy Name, an art exhibition by Renee Baker that spans the perimeter of Woodland Pattern’s gallery space, and at the center of the room are rows of empty […]