Henry Ford and the Führer

When we talk about the influence and importance of a revered individual from American history, we often tend to exclude, or develop amnesia for, any uncomfortable facts about said person’s livelihood or personal opinions. Henry Ford, whose company is a household name within the automobile world, is one of these people. Revealing the ugly truth […]

The UWM Cambridge Commons CO leak

     This past spring semester, the UWM council officially failed to protect the wellbeing of students. To be more specific about what happened, on 1 March 2022, our own Cambridge Commons was experiencing a leak of Carbon Monoxide and was ordering to evacuate all residents. Except this is just a basic descriptor of the event […]

Review: We Own This City

     More and more, every year, larger amounts of people are given more evidence to the corruption our nation’s police are guilty of profiteering off of, hiding, or doing what else they can with it. This is what the HBO exclusive We Own This City tells us. While there are far too many cases and […]

Grunya Sukhareva is The True Aid of Autism

Pretext The woman this community, and I, truly have to give thanks to is one Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva (Груня Ефимовна Сухарева). In light of recent discoveries within the Autism community, the notion of referring to individuals as ‘on the spectrum’ or ‘having Asperger’s syndrome’ have come under immediate fire. By ‘discoveries’, I am referring to […]

You Should Know Who Vladislav Surkov Is

     I don’t think people consider the impact of Russian politician and business Vladislav Surkov enough. Now, I’m not in shock if people don’t know him already, especially those outside of or not directly reading from the Kremlin; almost a guarantee for the many who live outside Russia. What was surprising to me was learning […]

Review of Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

  There are a plethora of candidates to choose for silver screen “classics”. Because of what they offer the film industry at large, they become reflective of strong and controversial moments of the human condition, as well as the spectacle that only movies can make. One that I oft not see discussed is Arthur Penn’s […]

On the Misuse of the Word Aesthetic

Picture this: you’re stuck on your couch, again, and instead of doing something you would actually want to do, you let yourself become entombed to the cushion as you whip out a smartphone and pull up TikTok. Immediately you greet a video displaying the caption ‘Look at these aesthetic pictures I found’ and wince, which […]