Local Restaurant Adapts to the Pandemic

Dorsia on Brady Street is certified to operate without a capacity limit despite the state mandate for businesses to only be allowed to operate at 25% capacity. Adrian Hurd tells us how this local restaurant is adapting to Covid-19 regulations.

A Much Kneaded Pastime

Does it feel like everyone you know has been making bread during the pandemic? This short documentary interviews two bakers to see why this activity helps during quarantine.

Creatively Quarantined

Short documentary featuring two quarantined women who found a positive spin to staying at home during the pandemic.

Katrina: 15 Years Later

The Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans was one of the hardest hit areas from Hurricane Katrina. Now, 15 years after the storm, rebuilding is still taking place. In this short documentary, a group of journalists interview people to see how much help they received (or didn’t).

Quarantined Abroad

Benjamin Cadel is an undergraduate student from France and Shiv Issar is a doctoral student from India who is studying abroad at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this short documentary, they talk about what it’s like being abroad in the U.S. during the global pandemic and how it’s impacting them.

Essential Worker

During the COVID-19 pandemic, most US states issued Stay-at-Home executive orders which closed all businesses deemed unessential. People that work at businesses that are essential still have to work under the new social distancing guidelines from the CDC. Here are two are how two essential workers are navigating the new work environment in Minnesota and […]


A short documentary about Doksun’s experiences in Lofi beats.

Annual Pet Parade Brings Joy to Milwaukee

The annual Pet Parade on Brady Street brings together pets from the Milwaukee area for a costume parade, tail wagging contest, and much more puppy cuteness. Here is Jaylyn Fahey with the story.

Scooters Around Milwaukee Are Up For Evaluation

Are you the type of resident that’s happy about all these scooters around town? Or would you rather have them off the streets? You can voice your opinion because the Department of Public Works is asking people to give feedback, evaluate the effectiveness, and safety of dockless scooters in Milwaukee.  Malana Perkins has more.