Girls on the Run Promotes Exercise, Teamwork

Photo: Mackenzie Krueger

Groups of girls in hot pink capes ran up to the finish line. The wind and cool weather did not  stop them from smiling and cheering the other runners on as they waited for them to make it to the end of the race. After weeks of training, the girls stood together in a huddle celebrating their hard work.

Girl’s on the Run 5k is an event where girls in third through eighth grade prepare for the race with coaches. The event was established in 1996 in Charlotte, N.C. with a team of 13 girls. More girls came each season making the program expand internationally. The program is designed to inspire young girls to be healthy, confident and happy by using a fun curriculum which includes running.

There were crowds of girls at the American Family Field in South Milwaukee. Many were volunteers and young women.

 “It takes a village to make these events happen especially after covid and all the coaches and volunteers have dedicated so much to this even when the weather’s bad,” said volunteer Morgan Klug. “Everyone is still so happy to be here and ready to cheer on the runners.”

Parent Janice Block helped runners check in before the race.

“I’ve been a part of this event for 8 years now,” Block said. “I started coaching when my daughter was in third grade until she went to middle school and my daughter is now on the junior board helping these girls get the same experience she had.”

Girls and women held hands as they ran and runners did not focus on how fast they finished the race. Event board chairwoman Samantha Noggle said the 5k helps give role models to local girls.

“Some of them don’t have solid role models at home so it’s great they have a group of women and girls to lean on.” Noggle said.