6 Things to Do While Under Quarantine

Quarantine has been harsh due to all the uncertainty and lack of information given to the general public in regards to possible cures and quarantine end dates. With this being said, everyone who has been in quarantine has been passing time whether they enjoyed it or not.

My mission in this article is to provide a couple of ideas that can make your quarantine just a little bit better. Without further adieu, let me introduce you to the top 10 things you should consider doing during your quarantine.

Host a Netflix viewing party

I’m not going to sit here and act like most of the people reading this haven’t already been watching Netflix during this break from reality, but I am confident most of you haven’t given this a try. Next time you want to binge-watch Stranger Things, Ozark, or anything else on Netflix, host a Netflix Party for you and your friends so you can all enjoy the show, and it can feel like the old times. The app that allows you to do this is a Google Chrome extension called Netflix Party which allows you to host a movie and watch it with whomever you want.

Give video gaming a chance

I’m not going to sit here and say that playing video games is a new concept but for those who haven’t had the privilege of computer or console gaming, I suggest you try it. Towards the beginning of the quarantine, console sales went through the roof; more specifically, (March 16-22) console sales rose by 155% to 259,169 games sold. Playing video games is a way to escape reality, and when your reality is slow and boring video games can really help. Whether you choose Playstation, Xbox or the Nintendo Switch, all are good ideas and are sure to keep you entertained.

Try some new exercises

Due to the quarantine, we are all stuck sitting on our behinds doing nothing all day, which is unhealthy apparently. So why not take 10 minutes out of your day and work towards being healthier. I mean we’re about a month away from it being virtual swimsuit season. so when you attend the Zoom pool party, you’ll be ready. All jokes aside this is one of the most important suggestions on this list because if you make a habit out of it it can make you an overall happier person.

Make your voice heard

Considering everyone is cooped up in their homes and most interactions are over the internet, why not try something different and try content creating? Whether your interest lies in gaming, movies or sports, why not try and make content using those topics. A podcast lets your voice be heard, and you can talk about whatever you like, at the end of the day it’s all for fun anyway so just enjoy yourself.

It’s time to boogie

Something that Generation Z and Millennials have in common is that they don’t know how to bust a move, at least I don’t know how to. Whether it’s an internet trend that you saw on TikTok or it’s a dance from the 80’s, why not learn it, you can leave quarantine moonwalking or hitting a mean cabbage patch. This activity hits close to home because I am currently trying to learn how to moonwalk; let’s just say I should just stick to regular walking.

It’s time to experiment!

Now is the time that we try new things, when I say this I simply mean try something you’re not used to. If you’re a picky eater try and make something you wouldn’t normally eat, I’ve never had a garden? Plant some flowers. You’re not known for your cooking abilities? Test yourself and learn from your mistakes. If you’re stuck inside you might as well make the most  out of it and learn something new.

Hopefully, after reading my fun suggestions some of the readers will try these ideas out because at the end of the day only you can make your quarantine easier to get through.