Further Investigation Needed in the Death of Jeffrey Epstein: Recent Findings Show Possible Homicide [EDITORIAL]

Jeffery Epstein: Mug Shot

The recent investigation into the death of Jeffrey Epstein should be far from over. The medical examiner who initially did the autopsy of Epstein concluded that it was a suicide and the investigation was over. But interesting evidence leads many to think suicide is not the answer. So, what is the answer? New results from Dr. Baden show that possible homicide could be the answer to his death. Is there more of an investigation that needs to be done on how and why Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell? The answer is yes, both the media and government should be doing more of an investigation to look into how Jeffery Epstein actually died. The new findings show that homicide should not be ruled out as it previously was.

Epstein was previously on suicide watch back in July when he had tried to commit suicide. But a week before his death, Epstein was taken off of suicide watch. It could be that Epstein was putting on an act to get off of watch in order to attempt suicide again. But instances leading up to the death do not add up. This investigation should not have stopped at the medical examiner’s conclusion, especially when the events prior to his death do not make sense.  

For example, before his death, the cameras showing his cell conveniently went out. At the same time, the guards that were allegedly supposed to be watching him and they just happened to “fall asleep.”  Also, the new research done by Dr. Michael Baden, a different medical examiner, found that the breakage that happened in Epstein’s death is not common results from hanging in suicide. Dr. Baden was hired by Epstein’s brother because the family was not happy that the investigation was over after medical examiner ruled it a suicide. Dr. Baden stated in a USA Today article that “These findings are unusual for suicide by hanging and more consistent with ligature homicidal strangulation.” Epstein’s hyoid bone in his neck was broken, and new outlets quickly reported that a break in this bone is common in older people when they hang themselves. We think this could be a possibility, but there is so much more unknown that deserves to be investigated.

Another issue that Baden brought to officials, was the fact that there would have been DNA on the bedsheets that were found around Epstein’s neck. Federal authorities noted that they have been looking into whether or not the guards really did fall asleep during the time period that they were supposed to be checking on Epstein’s cell. Is it possible that these guards falsely logged their time of duty? This is just another piece that leaves things unclear about Epstein’s death. Dr. Baden says that he believes Epstein’s death was more likely to be a homicide due to evidence rather than a suicide. He notes that evidence points directly towards homicide and we agree.

Conspiracy theories believe that Dr. Baden is falsely reporting these new findings because he was hired by Epstein’s family. But the series of events leading up to the death is troubling and there are so many unanswered questions that need to be looked into further.

With so many lingering questions, it is hard to believe that the investigators quickly ruled his death a suicide. The possibility that this was a homicide leads other prisoners to be in danger and ultimately someone is trying to cover up the death of Epstein. If there were to be a further investigation done, we think it would only be right to have a new team come in and investigate further. Someone with no bias opinion on the situation and someone that would do a thorough investigation. We believe that if it was up to the media, further investigation would be done but not investigating this death after all the unknowns would be unjust.