Threepeat: Scott Walker Wins the Governor’s Race

Not once, not twice, but three times within the last four years, Scott Walker has claimed the title as governor of Wisconsin.

Those who attended the Walker campaign election night rally at the Wisconsin State Exposition Center were able to share their excitement with one another as Walker defeated Democratic Candidate Mary Burke in the General Election on Tuesday night.

The crowd continuously chants “four more years” throughout the night. Photo by Brooke Dowden.
The crowd continuously chants “four more years” throughout the night. Photo by Brooke Dowden.

Walker’s lead took place early in the night at approximately 9:23 p.m. when Fox 6 displayed the standings; at that time, Walker held 58 percent of the popular vote. As Burke slowly crept up, the ballots were casted, and Walker won with 52 percent of the popular vote.

“I want to thank God for his abundance grace and mercy,” Walker said as he began his speech. “Win or lose it is more than sufficient for each and everyone of us.”

The crowd went wild before, during and after Walker’s speech. As American flags, pompons and hands waved throughout the air. Audience members continued to chant “Four more years,” as Walker continued to enthuse the crowd.

“We’re excited about the fact that instead of doing what they tried to do with groups in Washington who wanted us to be against something, we were for something, we were for a better Wisconsin, for better schools, for a better universal system, for a better technical college system, for a better economy, for a better future for our grandchildren,” Walker said.

The diverse audience consisted of hundreds of people from all ages, cities, ethnicities, etc. However, if there was one common occurrence throughout the crowd, it was that these people believed Walker’s word. Milwaukee resident Devonet Krzyzanek made the shape of a “W” with her hands as she began to choke up, saying the “W” stands for Walker, Wisconsin and wins.

“Four years ago, he secured four years and the element is what made him run again,” Krzyzanek said. “He’s the first governor to win three times in four years because he did what he said he would. He is a man with integrity.”

The crowd gathers at the Walker rally. Photo by Brooke Dowden.
The crowd gathers at the Walker rally. Photo by Brooke Dowden.

“A man of his word,” was a consistent phrase used to describe Walker throughout the night. Another continuous topic of discussion throughout the night was the cost of tuition and the organic job growth Walker stands by. UW-Milwaukee College Republican, Tyler Bundies, believes that Walker is doing great things, especially for college students.

“This semester, I paid five grand for school,” Bundies said. “Next semester, I’m going to pay another five grand and the next semester after that and the next semester after that. I have been reassured that my tuition is going to stay and that’s a great feeling.”

However, to some, Walker’s win meant more than a consistent tuition fee. Milwaukee resident Gabriel Torres said that throughout the two local Hispanic radio stations there were only two Republican commercials. He has a plan to share what Republicans stand for throughout the Hispanic community.

“My plan is to take a radio station, at least 30 minutes, and make a Republican show,” Torres said. “To tell all the Hispanic people who cannot speak English and tell them the truth and tell them the other side of the story and not to believe all the Democrats commercials.”

One local boy wants to follow in Walker’s shoes.

“I’ve always been interested in politics and stuff,” said 11-year-old Matthew Wilhelm. “I kind of want to be the governor one day.