7 Christmas Traditions To Try With Your Family

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again. Away with the scrooges and grinches who wrinkle their nose at the Christmas music playing in Target, we’re here to talk about Christmasing. Yes, Christmasing, the act of participating in Christmas-themed activity. It is recommended that you Christmas with three to five of your closest family members and friends for optimal holly-jolliness. 

The Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute found that 62% of people surveyed had elevated stress levels during the holidays!Between busy work and home lives, the pressure of finding the perfect presents, decking the halls and trimming the tree it is important that we take a break from the bustle to enjoy the season with those we love most. Here are some of my absolute favoriteChristmas traditions that I indulge in when I need an extra dose of Christmas cheer.

Bake Biscuit Eat Cookie Small Cakes Heart
  1. Baking Homemade Christmas Ornaments

No, I didn’t mean cookies. I meant ornaments! All it takes is some flour, salt, and water to make the mix. Then you proceed exactly as you wood with cookies: cut them out and bake them. STOP before the eating! These ones won’t taste great, but they’ll look amazing all painted in red and green adorning your tree on Christmas morning. You can find an easy recipe for homemade ornaments here!

  • Visit A Christmas Market

The Christkindl Market is originally a German tradition. They’ve rose in popularity the past few years and seem to be popping up in many major cities! You can find the closest Christkindl Market to you by clicking here!Even if you’ve completed your shopping for the year, drop in and walk around and browse the vendors. There are plenty of sights to see! 

  • Watch a Christmas Movie

I get it, sometimes leaving the house can be tiresome after a busy week. It’s never a bad idea to curl up with some hot chocolate (or, if you’re like me, Bailey’s and Eggnog) and throw on a sappy Christmas film. Disney+ has a selection of Christmas flickslonger than the nice list! The best part? It’s only seven dollars a month! How’s that for a. Christmas Miracle?

  • Visit a Reindeer Farm

It’s just like your everyday petting zoo, but make it Christmas! There’s always a good excuse to bundle up in your hat and scarf and stroll outside in the snow. Sprinkle some evergreen trees and furry reindeer bedecked in bows and bells and you’ve got yourself and afternoon of holiday fun.

  • Round up some donations for Goodwill

Here’s that part about giving to others during the Holidays. It may be corny, but it is important. There’s never a wrong time to gather up your old toys, clothes or homeware and drop it off at the nearest Goodwill. But if you need that extra nudge of motivation, throw on a Christmas record and remember that your gently used doll or movie could be someone’s Christmas morning. Find your nearest donation center here!

  • Be someone’s Secret Santa

You don’t have to work in an office to participate in a Secret Santa. It’s really as simple as choosing a friend or family member you want to surprise, picking up a gift, and hiding it for them to find! Leave them a note signed “from your Secret Santa” and watch them lament over who it may be for weeks! It doesn’t have to be expensive to be a Secret Santa. The dollar section at Target has loads of affordable holiday treats. Don’t forget to reveal your identity when Christmas rolls around.

  • Build a Gingerbread Sculpture

This is a pretty common tradition. You build the gingerbread house like it looks on the box…boring. Next time you’re at the grocery store, snag a few of those gingerbread kits to take home with you. Throw out the box and use your imagination to build something more interesting. Maybe your own house? The Chrysler Building? The possibilities are endless.

Whatever you may choose to spend your time on this Christmas season, remember to make every day meaningful. Being grateful and humble shouldn’t be reserved for a single month out of the year, but that little nudge that the season brings doesn’t hurt.