Another Earth Day Provides Another Reminder That Society Is Ignoring the Real Cause of Climate Change

On April 22, Earth Day was celebrated by people posting images of nature and images of them enjoying nature, as well as people sharing their suggestions of how we can be better environmentalists and appreciate the Earth for years to come. 

Especially after it was announced by the U.N. that we only have 12 years to significantly improve the state of the environment before global climate change, irreversibly, takes full effect, scientists and every-day activists are pushing for some serious shifts in lifestyles.

One vegan activist honored Earth Day by tweeting an image of her holding a poster with the phrase “you can’t eat meat and be an environmentalist” painted on it.

As Twitter goes, she received a lot of heat by people saying her claim is false, as well as going as far to say her claim is anti-indigenous people; people who have historically practiced hunter-gatherer lifestyles.

This vegan activist isn’t the only person who has gotten criticism for claiming the most productive method of preventing irreversible climate change is skipping meat and dairy. Many have made this claim, especially since the U.N.’s report, and been slammed with stances saying capitalistic companies are to blame for the environmental crisis we’re in, not individual habits.

While it is absolutely true that these companies make a profit by exploiting workers, animals and the ecosystem, they do what they do because they continuously have a demand for these inhumane and unsustainable products. In the words of another Twitter-user:

While these corporations directly damage the environment, we indirectly damage the environment through supporting these corporations, and it’s especially unobliging to sustainability efforts when we don’t take responsibility for the actions that we as individuals do on almost a daily basis. Seriously, what real change can people expect to take place when they do the bare minimum or nothing at all?

While people have made it clear that plastic straws are no longer acceptable (consider California banning plastic straws in restaurants), a statistic that has, seemingly, gone over people’s heads is the fact that nearly half of the plastic polluting our waters comes from fishing nets. Society is so concerned about straws accidentally getting caught in turtles’ noses that they’ve turned a blind eye to the conscious mass-fishing that is polluting and depleting our oceans.

While people are being extra wary of how long their showers run, they’re overlooking the fact that it takes 1,000 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk, and 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. Agriculture alone is responsible for 80-90 percent of all America’s water consumption. So, tell me: how helpful are those five or so fewer minutes in the shower if you eat meat and dairy daily?

Let’s talk about greenhouse gas. Government agencies, and especially car companies, have stated again and again that our driving patterns are notably problematic. However, statistics show that 51% of greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock and their byproducts. So, again, how much of an effect will buying a green vehicle (or even biking, for that matter) be if you’re still an avid meat and dairy consumer?

I agree that even with a vegetarian or vegan diet, and as the famous quote goes, “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.” Whether it be problems regarding humane working conditions, accessibility, or affordability…we have work to do in terms of making a sustainable diet attainable for the majority. However, we cannot do the bare minimum if we want to make a difference. And, even more so, we cannot do nothing.

If you want to read up on the statistics provided and/or learn more about what’s causing climate change, click here.