Don’t Count Out the New Twilight Zone Just Yet [OPINION]

We have all heard of the classic science fiction, thriller, fantasy that is The Twilight Zone franchise. The mind-bending, black-and-white, Emmy Award winning series that can be binge watched on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime is iconic programming for early television. Recently, Oscar winning filmmaker and actor Jordan Peele decided to bring back the series and create a reboot. There was speculation as to whether the recreation would be a success or fall flat, as original creator Rod Serling had left some big shoes to fill in terms of creative twist and horror, but the series definitely does not disappoint and even adds comedic relief. The new Twilight Zoneweb series is now available for streaming on CBS All Access and continues to be an avenue for shedding light on social injustice and keeping us on the edge of our seat, all while laughing hysterically. 

Writer and Narrator Jordan Peele is the perfect person to bring Twilight Zone back to our screens after maintaining success with his feature film Get Out and Us. His horrific yet funny films are known for their twists as well as their comedic approach to shedding light on social and political injustice. The new Twilight Zonecombines these valuable traits as well as nostalgic aspects that draw parallels to the original show. In both series, the creator participates within the show as a narrator and uses bizarre storylines that draw attention to contemporary issues. As the original often referenced real-life concerns drawing on psychological fears that were largely prevalent during the 1950s and 1960s, when the show was running.

While Rod Serling’s version of the series is understood as using “the language of horror, science fiction, and fantasy to comment on the ills of contemporary society, including racism, automation, nuclear war, any of the seven deadly sins, and totalitarianism,” as reported by Vanity Fair. Peele also incorporates aspects of today’s political climate and social injustices such as police brutality, racism, and gun control. The third episode of the new Twilight Zone “Replay” is the show’s deepest episode thus far. “Replay” is specifically relevant as it captures the fear of an African American mother when her son is confronted with violence stemming from an interaction with an arrogant and cruel police officer. After repeatedly turning back time with a mysterious time-altering camcorder as an attempt to prevent an inevitable altercation, the series focuses on the desperation and pain of a mother struggling to protect her son despite her best attempts and manipulation of time.

Although the Twilight Zone is being brought back at an ideal time due to the nation being heavily divided by politics and a newfound focus on social injustice that is present in American society and culture, there is resistance to the new version as many people believe it will never live up to the original. There is concern that the reboot is “another beloved cultural property that’s been ruined by leftist cultural warriors” and that it is “too political” according to The Atlantic. But it’s arguable that Peele had is the perfect person to bring back the show when considering The Twilight Zone’s history in discussing important topics that allow us to reconsider our own human position when perceiving these fantastical stories. With his focus on shedding light upon racial injustice, inclusion of a racially diverse and talented cast, as well as his past experiences in shedding light upon social issues with both horror and comedy, Jordan Peele is a driving force in getting the mainstream media to focus on important circumstances.

With the nation being both politically and racially divided, the recreation of such a profound show that incorporates comedic relief and allows a younger audience to assess the current state of our society and recognize the systematic oppression that is prevalent. Having Jordan Peele bring back the Twilight Zone is a genius move on CBS’s part and there is no doubt that the reboot will thrive in both entertaining and allowing us to think deeper about the choices we make and the way we perceive or contribute to social injustices. While the show does have a lot to live up to there is a lot of potential in Peele’s recreation and the show shouldn’t be overlooked just yet.