Photo via Tommaso.sansone91 on Wikimedia Commons. 

We are amidst a global crisis. Many environmental anomalies have occurred the past several months, and frequently these topics of debate and concern have been brought to international governments. Governments and industries are trying harder, where applicable, but our climate goals will never be met unless consumers can change our habits. Especially those in America. 

Think about the natural changes we have faced lately. Extreme drought and fires in the West, record-breaking heat waves in the Pacific Northwest (a region that is not supposed to ever be that hot). Unusual winters. Increases in the intensity and number of tropical storms. Air pollution is among its worst in some international cities. The average global temperature has indeed risen. That only means that there will be an increased amount of change globally and that events like this will become more likely. There have been multiple, credible studies conducted on these topics. 

This isn’t all due to carbon dioxide, but it is a large part. The earth has an ability to heal itself, but simply, at the rate we are artificially putting off these compounds, mother nature cannot keep up. 

The way goods are manufactured and resources are mined is an area of concern, mostly because we have to level a gap between good practice, and practice that could be improved. Companies like Amazon and factories that operate at ‘zero waste’ are utilizing habits that improve and lessen impact on the environment. Companies that still operate without a conscious environmental effort have extra room for improvement. 

It’s easy to think short term, and in the line of what is easier or cheaper today. But in order to start environmental change, it comes down to taking ownership of actions. Large-scale corporations and even small factories can make a change by having recycling available, changing or updating equipment, and initiating process efficiency improvements. We do not have time to waste.

Individuals every day can make changes, too. Walking at times instead of driving, starting a garden for tomatoes, beans or cucumbers. Switching to energy-efficient electronics and appliances. Unplugging items in rooms you don’t go into often. There are so many great resources online for these types of changes, I just really think people need to be more aware and conscious of them. 

The cliches of taking the path less traveled, or nothing good comes without hard work, or getting the hard work done before the easy work all apply. I really don’t think there is much cliche in any of those statements, in life or concerning environmental changes. We all have become stuck in our ways without even knowing it, as we have grown up in a disposable and wasteful society on a large scale for decades.  

We all know about these issues, and many of us do feel sorry. But, goals and actions can have discrepancies. We do not always know what to do about change, or when to start. We also just habitually don’t think about it. Real change comes down to cutting the crap, with yourself. And being true to yourself and your values with your actions. 

Changing for the environment does not mean sacrificing wellbeing. It is hard for families or the economically challenged, too. But, the small choices we make, added up altogether as global citizens lead to a phenomenal impact. It’s about making multiple small habit changes, nothing daunting if you aren’t up for it. There are a lot of role models to follow. We just. Have. To do the. Work!  

Making changes like this is the only way we will be able to survive. I think we all are worth it, and our industry is worth it. We don’t want to lose ourselves to the sands of time or have to leave earth out of pure survival. Just watching the news, times are predicted to be so bleak by 2100. We have to change this path, and that number. Just relying on industry to change or for technology to catch up is not the answer. The answer is today. The answer is together, because the change we need cannot be done alone. 

Let’s start with a discussion. How can we make our lives better, by saving the lives of those around us, and after us? What are you doing to practice global environmental consciousness?