Trump Family Separation Decision Was a Wrong One [EDITORIAL]

Crossing the border into the United States without proper documentation or visas is not anywhere near serious or harmful enough to be deserving of a parent being stripped of their child-without any idea of where they are or when they will be reunited. Trump separates families at the border by strictly enforcing immigration laws in the United States. We all agree that it is simply inhumane and cruel to such a thing to any family at the border, and while Trump signed the executive order to stop this, there is no way to undo the emotional turmoil and trauma these families endured.

We believe signing the executive order was the right thing, but the separation of families is something that never should have been happening in the first place. While people can argue that “the law is the law,” no law in a so called “free” country should ever violate the basic human right that is being with one’s family.

Many laws have been changed throughout our country’s history for the better. For example, it used to be law that woman could not vote, and that law was rightfully changed. Claiming “the law is the law” is frankly lazy and actively underutilizing and not taking advantage of democracy. It is our responsibility as a free country to make sure laws are humane and just, and it is time for this law that separates families to change for good.

Yes, Trump signed the executive order, but it is ultimately on Congress to solve this issue for good. We believe that Trump needs to urge Congress to come together and agree on the topic of the Flores Settlement, which requires the federal government to place children with their family without delay-whether it be with an immediate/extended family member or a close family friend. We think this is extremely important and that at the end of the day, keeping youth with their families outweighs the immigration issue greatly.

Not only is the act of separating families just plain cruel, the conditions in which these kids are held captive is inhumane and demeaning. There have been many recordings released that paint pictures of horror scenes for these children- stuck in cells, unaware of their parent’s (and sometimes siblings) whereabouts and shown zero sympathy by their captors. A recent viral audio recording was released that consisted of a guard listening to children wailing and crying and joking about how they sounded like a symphony. It is unprofessional, barbaric and astonishing to see the lack empathy and respect shown by ICE agents towards children and their families.

On top of the separation of families, it is also important to acknowledge how much immigrants contribute to our nation. In fact, since ICE actively started detaining immigrants and their families, many farmers and employers are finding themselves shorthanded on laborers. It seems that the jobs people are concerned about immigrants stealing are not desirable by citizens of the United States.

Ultimately, immigrants are not nearly as threatening to our nation as they are made out to be by the media and the Trump administration. They are not as much a danger as the media and Trump make them out to be. They are people trying to support their families and in turn are keeping our economy and many industries up and running.