The go-to Ice Fishing Starter Kit

For some ice fishing in Wisconsin isn’t just a hobby it’s a way to spend time with your loved ones or friends. It’s a way to pass on passion through generations. Last year in 2021 it was a way to escape the chaos in the world and get your head right.

It’s a cheap sport that offers many months of fun. An annual fishing license costs $20. With many ponds and lakes to fish in every county, Wisconsin boasts up to 1.4 million anglers. Wisconsin showed a significant increase in license sales by nearly 13% in 2020.

It’s not as easy as some think. Jon Heus, who has been ice fishing his whole life, explains here how to construct an ice fishing starter kit.

When ice fishing for the first time what`s the best lure and bait?

Well, in Ice fishing there are a lot of things involved, you can sit in a shack and sit on one hole all-day or you can do what I do 90% of the time and cut 20 holes and try to catch as many as you can.

What are some signs above the ice that could help you know if it`s safe?

If you see clear ice with a white fade that means it’s usually safe. If you’re not sure I would go out there with a spud bar.

What do you think is the biggest mistake someone can make ice fishing?

Going on unsafe ice not being prepared and getting stranded. Just bad preparation on the ice you are going to fish on. If you have any doubt just stay away.

What kind of equipment do you use?

Well, this year actually I just bought one of the Garmin Panoptix and before that, I used a Marcum. Basically, it looks down in a six-inch cone and it shows up on your little screen what’s underneath you.

Which lakes or ponds are your favorites in Wisconsin?

I would say lake Winnebago or Green Bay. There’s bigger fish in there. Bigger Fish are more fun to catch and harder to reel in.

What would be the ice fishing starter pack?

Fishing rod and two tip-ups because you can only have two lines in. I would definitely get a Marcum so you can see what’s underneath you. Then you just need to buy bait like minnows. If you don’t know if you’re going to fish for more than one year a shack isn’t really a necessity. If you’re planning to go ice fishing for more than a couple of years then I would recommend a shack.

What is your favorite part of ice fishing?

I would say finding a decent school of walleye or big fish in general. Just being able to find your own fish. Some people for example will go out on Lake Winnebago and see about 100 people and set up next to them. I don’t like to do that, I need to find my own fish.

What kind of things do you do on the ice to pass time while fishing?

When it slows down or it’s too cold to go out I’m probably on Facebook. I watch a lot of Youtube videos, just stuff like that.

What kind of tips would you give to a first-time ice fisher?

My first tip would be to make sure the ice you’re about to go on is 100% safe. Tip two would be to dress warm, you can never be warm enough and you can always take layers off. The last tip would be to keep cutting holes until you find your own pocket of fish.

At what age did you start ice fishing?

I think I started around 10 or 1. I mean I remember walking across the ice with my dad and asking him why the ice is making so much noise.

Have you noticed a change in the how long ice fishing season lasts?

When I was younger I felt like the seasons were a lot longer. Probably this year actually was longer. Last year I think ice fishing was done in late February, but now I’m still going in March.