“I’m finally meeting more people and making real connections with them, too.”

Imanol Ruiz is film studies student at UW-Milwaukee. He talked with Cherita Booker about returning to campus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 Life back on campus has been different. I’m finally meeting more people and making real connections with them too. I enjoyed being alone and getting to have class from the comfort of my home, but eventually I felt like I was giving up a lot for that. I didn’t feel like I was having the real college experience. I felt that for the luxury to be lazy I was giving up the chance to meet new people and make the lifelong connections that is associated with college.

I haven’t felt stressed by the current circumstances. I feel as if I have always had a good hold on the stress I deal with. However, I will admit that there are times when I feel like I’m hitting dead ends. I usually go out and spend time with friends or take a breather and spend more time at home. Just taking a small break has really helped to bring myself back to a saner mind.

 During the pandemic I struggled with things that I had always struggled with. I was never good at portion control or exercising, but with the pandemic that got worse. I also struggled with feeling stuck in a certain place in my life. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough. I still struggle with these things today. Unhealthy habits become bad traits and bad circumstances become the norm. I hope that I can push myself to overcome these things and see myself forward.

The pandemic helped me realize the power of rest and the need to stick to things. I’ve met many people who came out of the pandemic looking and feeling much better than before, they stuck to things and saw them through. I didn’t. I wish I had made goals and plans for the pandemic, but I’m also happy that I was able to recenter myself and rest. I was allowed time to myself and that was much needed.

I’m looking forward to finishing this semester, finally getting to see all my friends more regularly, and finding and building career opportunities. I also look forward to fully embracing the college life and exploring the type of person that I really am.