“The majority of students, not just architecture, but a lot of students on campus are struggling.”

Photo: Sonia Spitz

Maddie Duhig is an Architecture major juggling the addition of another year to the program and her incoming student loans. While her passion for the career remains, Maddie explains why it can be difficult to maintain the major and get a job right out of college.

Sonia Spitz: What issue concerns you most as a student I our current climate?

Maddie Duhig: Pretty much like the class to school, I’d say. It’s really a big issue especially because most people aren’t able to graduate in four years. So that’s just added on top of financial aid and scholarships and all that.

Q: If you don’t mind me asking, do you have student loans?

A: Yeah

Q: Is it a concern of yours to pay those off?

A: Yeah, I feel like it’s just going to take forever. You want a job after college, but you’re stuck paying back your loans anyways.

Q: Do you know anything about the plans from the Biden administration?

A: Kind of, I’ve been semi keeping up with it, but I feel like not much is even happening lately.

Q: Do you that there’s a way to get a job out of college and pay off those loans the way that the track should go?

A: I think it’s possible but it’s hard. Most people aren’t able to, I can’t say get a get a job right away but find a well-paying job that would pay your bills plus your loans.

Q: Do you think there’s a lot of places that help you pay off the loans?

A: I don’t think so. Some might, but I don’t think that’s common.

Q: What do you want to do in Architecture?

A: I want to go into an architecture firm and maybe design buildings. That’s another issue with the Architecture program. It’s now switching to a five-year program so that’s another year of school which will help you get a job because it’s a better degree, but it will cost more.

Q: So that’s additional tuition for that year?

A: Yea so it’s additional tuition plus it’s more than undergrad classes. It’s above a Bachelor of Science but it’s not quite a master’s degree. It’s a very odd degree.

Q: Is that kind of degree required in a lot of the jobs in your field?

A: Yeah, besides Wisconsin which is like the only state where it’s not required, if you want to go anywhere else in the country you have to get the five-year degree.

Q: Do you think if you got a job at a firm, private or public, that they would help you pay off some of that debt?

A: I think some might. They pay back more if you decide to go to grad school, but it’s harder to find if you just have a Bachelor’s degree. They’re not as willing as some people that will just find someone else that is paying their debt back themselves. So they don’t want to pay for you.

Q: Do you think that affects how hard you try in school or how often you come to class?  

A: Yes and no. I feel like I attend class more because I’m paying for it. I don’t want to skip class because I’m just losing out on my education.

Q: Do you think that you’re alone or do you think that a lot of people in Architecture are struggling with the same things?

A: I feel like a lot of people are struggling. I’d say that the majority of students, not even just architecture, but a lot of students on campus are struggling. Everyone has at least a job if not multiple jobs just trying to keep afloat if they can even pay off everything.

Q: Do you think you’re passionate enough about architecture to be able to go through the ringer and get a job?

A: Yeah, I am. I feel like you have to be because otherwise most people drop because it’s so time consuming.

Q: Do you think the money you’re paying is worth it?

A: I’d say yes in comparison to other schools. If it cost more, I think I’d be iffy.